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Omniware Networks is organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes – to strengthen relations and understanding among peoples of different regions and backgrounds; to promote people’s knowledge and understanding of various cultures, values, arts and communities in a peaceful and enriching way.

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Press releases and media reports

Select Winning Artwork of "Saratoga, My Home" Public Art Contest Will Be Displayed At Saratoga Rotary Art Show May 4 and 5

Calling all art enthusiasts! Omniware Networks is thrilled to reveal the winners of the "Saratoga, My Home" public art contest. This initiative aimed to foster a deeper sense of community by inviting residents to express their love and connection to Saratoga through artistic expression.

The contest garnered a fantastic response, with a diverse range of submissions showcasing Saratoga's unique spirit. Some of the winning artworks, chosen by a distinguished panel of judges, will be unveiled at the upcoming Saratoga Rotary Art Show at West Valley College this weekend, May 4th and 5th!

"We were truly impressed by the talent and creativity on display in the 'Saratoga, My Home' contest," said Andy Lee, an art curator. "The artwork beautifully captures the essence of what makes Saratoga such a special place to live."

Some winning pieces will be displayed at the Saratoga Rotary Art Show, offering a glimpse into the artistic vision of Saratoga residents. This is a fantastic opportunity to celebrate local talent and experience the heart of our community through the power of art.

Don't miss the Saratoga Rotary Art Show on May 4th and 5th at West Valley College! Come see the winning entries and immerse yourself in the artistic spirit of Saratoga.

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Select Winning Artwork of "Los Gatos, My Home" Public Art Contest Will Be Displayed At Saratoga Rotary Art Show May 4 and 5

Calling all Los Gatos art lovers! Omniware Networks is delighted to reveal the winners of the "Los Gatos, My Home" public art contest. This initiative was designed to cultivate a stronger sense of community by inviting residents to showcase their appreciation and connection to Los Gatos through art.

The contest received many responses, overflowing with diverse submissions that captured the unique charm of Los Gatos. Some of the winning pieces, meticulously chosen by a esteemed panel of judges, will be displayed at the forthcoming Saratoga Rotary Art Show at West Valley College this weekend May 4th and 5th!

"The 'Los Gatos, My Home' contest entries exhibited remarkable talent and imagination," said Andy Lee, an art curator. "The artwork beautifully portrays the essence of what makes Los Gatos such a cherished place to call home."

One winner, Beri Cheetham, creatively captured the essence of spring in Los Gatos with their submission. Cheetham explained, "Los Gatos becomes a stunning daytime firework display as spring blossoms bloom. This diptych sets out to document this ephemeral annual event with each individual petal painted painstakingly in oil."

Don't miss the Saratoga Rotary Art Show on May 4th and 5th at West Valley College! Come see the winning entries and immerse yourself in the artistic spirit.

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County press release and media report of our 'Peace, Art, Unity' exhibition